Dear Cancer Mama


Dear canadan cancer mama, WTF are you folks smoking up there? Like seriously now. THE BLESSINGS OF CANCER? Are you shitting me? down here in the good Ol’d US of A, cancer steals our whole lives. We are emotionally, physically and financially broken. We have to relay on our friends and relations to help us through but we make it. Cancer is not all rainbows and lolly pops. Itss a fucking battle for your life. Dreaming up “best buddy friendships” and support group sit-ins are not helping anyone. And now you just posted another one about Battle scars!!!!!!!! really? yes there fucking painful reminders of course they are! What else would they be??????You are delusional. Seriously fucking fucked up. NOBODY can actually think this way. I know that canada people are nice and whatever but this is over the top. I don’t know where the fuck you learned to write like this but it makes me want to puke.

American and lovin it


My emailed response, it took me awhile to be able to write back…

I also apologize that in your country, you are so broken…perhaps that is what Obama is trying to fix?

I would also like to say “sorry” that you feel I’m fucked up, sometimes I do have bad days, luckily for me, the good days out number the bad by ten fold. It sounds like it is opposite for you. There are great meds for that.

I don’t smoke. Anything.  That causes Cancer, something we are trying to avoid in my family.

My writing style makes you want to puke? OMG, I’m laughing so freaking hard!


If I’m so offensive, why do you keep coming back???

You’re from the South right? Right?!?

I’m very glad that your kin folk help you out. It sounds like you need it.

Dear American and Lovin’ it,

As a Canadian, (Yes, there is an ‘i’ in there) I would like to apologize that my personal thoughts and feelings expressed on my blog have apparently upset you and turned on your “swearing’ button. These blogs that I write are MY experiences. I don’t expect everyone to agree with everything I say or even two words that I say. I never made that claim. I’m also at a point in Griffin’s Cancer journey, where I can look back and reflect on the situation. Think of it as child birth? On the days before you give birth, some mothers may hate the world, hate that baby, hate the weather, hate the husband…then on Labour day, you are mad at the world, mad at the nurses and doctors, you are experiencing your own personal hell, the pain is ridiculous, your modesty and pride are forgotten about, etc. But then that Baby in born, suddenly the world is all “rainbows and Lollipops”, the sun starts shining again, you forget (some) of the pain and the grossness and just focus on raising that beautiful baby of yours. I’m at the beautiful baby stage. I’ve been through the pain and rage and sadness, I’m in the “enjoying my boy being normal” stage. We might be in different stages and I can guarantee that we had different paths through our Cancer journeys. I hear a lot of pain and sorrow in your letter, American. I would love to help you in anyway I can. Please let me know how I can help.

Also, I have banned you from my blog for your own good. I don’t want to upset you even more and the blogs are just going to keep coming! You now have my personal email so please reach out if you need too.

Remember, you are NEVER alone, even if you write me a nasty letter.



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