Grandma Janey-lovingly makes Garden Gazing balls to raise money for Kids with CancerAll cancer survivors! Walking together, surviving together!Look who is the Mac Kid!Griffin recovering from getting his tonsils removed. Grandma snuggles are the best!Griffin and my Hubby Marty in the RMH ad
Marty, Griffin, the McDonalds lady and I
Griffin-fighting RhabdomyosarcomaGriffin at 4 yrs old-Cancer Free!
First hair cut after treatment-Thank you Becky at Polished Salon!I AM A TREE! Groot?Volunteering on McHappy Day!Post Biopsy- Dec 2011Lost his first tooth!Chillin in his Grammie Jammies!The Famous Garden Gazing Balls, made by Grandma JaneyAngry radiation!Griffin and his Girlfriend Sophie. Met at Chemo Clinic, so full of cuteness!Griffin Rhabdomyosarcoma Survivor!
Life living with, through and after Cancer from a Parent’s point of view.