Just get over it!

This lady might have just been trying to make idle conversation? Or maybe she was actually wondering why I’m still obsessed with cancer? I don’t know. But what I do know? I WILL NEVER GET OVER IT! My son and my family and I, as well as thousands of children fought a war. A literal battle for his life! Call it PSTD, call it worry-wart mama, call it insanity, I don’t care. I will be talking about, advocating for and try to raise money for cancer forever. I will never ever stop. I will never get over it. I’ve lost my innocence. I know the facts, the numbers and the stats. I’ve watched babies wither up and die. I’ll seen the disease take thier hair, their mobility, their hearing, their limbs, their light…it is horrid. And I’m scarred from it. I will never, ever be the same. But instead of letting it consume me, instead of letting cancer win, I’m choosing to fight back. I’m choosing to stand up, to not accept one more child dying, not one more!
I’m sorry that as my friend, family, or co-worker, you cannot see, accept and/or understand that. I hope its because you have never had anything as scary and tragic as cancer in your life. You are lucky and nieve. Just like I was before Griffin got sick. I don’t blame you and I will not hold that against you. But if you are around me, you will be hearing about cancer. A lot. Quite possibly forever. lol So to answer your question, nope. I’m not “over” cancer. I never will be…
Hug your babies tight tonight…