Letter to Alivia’s Rainbows

Mar 19, 2014

This note was written at the very beginning of Griffin’s Cancer journey:

Dear Craig & Chantal & Alivia’s Rainbows,

This is a hard note to write. When you hear the words that your child has cancer, your life changes immediately, forever and it seems it will never go back to normal. Griffin is 22 months old, still strong and young enough that hopefully he will survive his battle with Rhabdomyosarcoma, but as a parent, it feels like the life has been sucked out of you, “normal” is no longer part of your daily routine and I struggle to see how I am going to survive this disease and I’m not even the sick one! But thankfully there are people out there like you folks, who bring a little bit of sunshine to a rainy day. Now I understand the “rainbow” part of your name!

Thank you ever so much for your generous gift. It has taken off a bit of financial stress, one less thing I have to worry about, and more time I can dedicate to our beautiful boy. And the icing on the cake? Talking to a wonderful couple who have stayed strong and are a great example to us parents that are just holding it together.

You are doing such a great service to our community and honouring your daughter is such a generous and beautiful way.

Thank you for the advice, the gift cards and most importantly the hope…

Love Emily, Marty & Griffin Hammond-aka Cancer Fighters!

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